#!ruby require 'net/http' require 'cgi' require 'kconv' save_dir = 'c:/My Documents' interval = 3 module Video class Error < StandardError; end class InvalidUrlError < Error; end VideoDetail = Struct.new(:id, :dl_url, :title, :ext, :encoding) def get_detail(url) @@videos.each do |video| begin return video.get_detail(url) rescue InvalidUrlError raise if video === @@videos.last end end end module_function :get_detail class Video def initialize(url_re, dl_url_re, title_re=nil, api_url=nil, ext=".flv", encoding=Kconv::UTF8) @url_re = url_re @dl_url_re = dl_url_re @title_re = title_re @api_url = api_url @ext = ext @encoding = encoding end def get_detail(url) id = extract_video_id(url) if @api_url video_url = @api_url % id else video_url = url end content = get_content(video_url) params = extract_dl_url_params(content) dl_url = build_dl_url(params) title = extract_title(content) VideoDetail.new(id, dl_url, title, @ext, @encoding) end private def extract_video_id(url) @url_re.match(url).to_a[1] or raise InvalidUrlError.new('invalid video url') end def get_content(url) begin res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) raise unless Net::HTTPSuccess === res res.body rescue raise Error.new('unable to download video page') end end def extract_dl_url_params(content) @dl_url_re.match(content).to_a[1..-1] or raise Error.new('unable to extract download url params') end def build_dl_url(params) params.first end def extract_title(content) @title_re.match(content).to_a[1] if @title_re end end @@videos = [] youtube = Video.new( %r!\Ahttp://(?:\w+\.)youtube\.com/watch\?v=([\w-]+)!, %r!watch_fullscreen\?.*?video_id=([\w-]+).*?&t=([\w-]+)!, %r!<title>YouTube - ([^<>]*)</title>! ) def youtube.build_dl_url(params) "http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=%s&t=%s" % params end @@videos << youtube veoh = Video.new( %r!\Ahttp://www\.veoh\.com/videos/(\w+)!, %r!fullPreviewHashPath="([^"]+)"!, %r!title="([^"]*)"\s+dateAdded=!, 'http://www.veoh.com/rest/video/%s/details' ) @@videos << veoh dailymotion = Video.new( %r!http://www.dailymotion\.com/.*?/video/([\w/-]+)!, %r!(http%3A%2F%2Fwww\.dailymotion\.com%2Fget%2F\d{2}%2F320x240%2Fflv%2F\d+\.flv%3Fkey%3D\w+)!, %r!<h1 class="nav with_uptitle">([^<>]*)</h1>! ) def dailymotion.build_dl_url(params) CGI.unescape(params.first) end @@videos << dailymotion amebavision = Video.new( %r!http://vision\.ameba\.jp/watch\.do.*?\?movie=(\d+)!, %r!<imageUrlLarge>([^<>]+)</imageUrlLarge>!, %r!<item>\s*<title>([^<>]*)</title>!, "http://vision.ameba.jp/api/get/detailMovie.do?movie=%s" ) def amebavision.build_dl_url(params) flv_url = params.first flv_url['//vi'] = '//vm' flv_url['/jpg/'] = '/flv/' flv_url['_4.jpg'] = '.flv' flv_url end @@videos << amebavision yourfilehost = Video.new( %r!http://(?:www\.)?yourfilehost\.com/media\.php\?cat=video&file=([\w.-]+)\.!, %r!videoembed_id=([\w%.-]+)&! ) def yourfilehost.build_dl_url(params) CGI.unescape(params.first) end @@videos << yourfilehost end ARGV.each do |url| begin video = Video.get_detail(url) rescue => e puts "Error: #{e} (#{url})" next end if video.title filename = video.title.kconv(Kconv::SJIS, video.encoding) else filename = video.id end filepath = File.join(save_dir, filename << video.ext) system('wget', '-O', filepath, "--referer=#{url}", video.dl_url) sleep interval end